Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lazy Blogger of the Month Award!

So... I know that I fully intended to blog more often than I have. I could offer up a bevy of excuses - my INSANE allergies (I've not been able to taste or smell for a month thanks to my allergies), I had a recent wisdom tooth extracted, I went on vacation.... The plain and simple truth is that I'm lazy. Thus, I think I'm entitled to an award - Lazy Blogger of the Month. :)

Wow... since my last blog Elisa is just getting smarter and sassier by the day. She's got big girl potty down to an exact science. She's taken to naming some of her toys. The most recently named are some McD's Happy Meal Toys (specifically Littlest Petshop) - she's got 2 and they're named "Pinchy" and "Pinky." They're her best buds for now. Loodle greatly enjoys singing along with movies & shows (even if she doesn't REALLY know the words). Dress up is also on her radar right now, too. Suffice it to say, I've got a girly girl on my hands.

Husby is SUPER busy now. We're in the thick of wedding season. He's also started a new diet & workout program. He's lost 9 lbs so far... and I've gained a ton of more prep time in the kitchen.

We recenty went on vay-cay to see my family in Idaho. It was quite fun & we enjoyed some family time.

I know I have tons more that I could add - but in all honesty, my head is in a cloud from all this dag-blasted allergy medicine I've taken lately. I was gonna try to go cold-turkey today, but the idea of breathing was to intoxicating. Speaking of intoxicated, my head is just swimming!

1 comment:

  1. Get thee to a doctor!

    Loodle is the cutest. They gave little M the Littlest Pet Shop toy by mistake a few days ago (he doesn't care), and I found the little purse that the animal was sitting in hanging from one of his tow trucks. :) He can "dude up" any toy!

    Glad you got to go see some family!

    Good luck to your hubbster and his weight loss journey... as long as I don't FIND the pounds he LOSES.

    I do hope you feel better soon!
