Thursday, June 3, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

Yeah, yeah... I know I blogged already today. Buuuuut, I am home alone & catching up on SYTYCD & thought I'd blog again. You're welcome. ~;o)

As I sit here drinking some tea, watching tv & having alone time, I am reminded of some of my favorite things and thought I'd share 'em with you....

~ Sleepytime Extra Tea - it is not only delicious, but it's oh-so-relaxing.

~ Alone time - Yes, I adore my daughter & cherish every moment with her... but there's something to be said about the time she spends with Daddy. It's good for them and good for me.

~ Pajama pants - If I could live in 'em & go out in public (without seeming like a nut job), I totally would. I'm currently wearing my Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer pajama pants, in case you were wondering (you know you were...).

~ The recipes that I know I can make AWESOMELY - Not to brag, but there are some recipes that I just knock outta the park. Okay... so maybe that's bragging a little. But there is just something so great about feeding people and having them love it. Some of my best recipes include (but are not limited to) - Turkey Tacos, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Lasagna, Spaghetti Sauce, Chili... maybe there are some other things I do alright, but those are all that I can think of right now.

~ New recipes - Who knows what will be the next addition to my "awesome" list. I love to try making new things. (send me any... I'll try 'em!)

~ Food - 'nuff said.

~ Family time - Since Hubby works so hard to support our family, we don't get much time together. So, when we're able to be all together, it's great.

~ Watching my daughter learn - What more do I need to say? The feeling that I get when watching her "lightbulb moments" is a bliss that I cannot put into words.

~ Dorky moments with my husband - Our mutual dorkiness is one of the reasons we fit so well together.

I am 1,000% certain that this list could be much longer, but my alone time is done. So, perhaps I'll continue this later. Perhaps I'll do a list of my least favorite things, too. We'll see what the future holds...

Sickness, new addiction & my Loodle...

Crap. I had a bit of blog done and thru some stupid, sickness clouded key strokes, I erased the whole dag-blasted thing. Oh well... here I go again (on my own).

As is normally the case when I blog, I've plenty of other things that I should be doing instead. However, in light of my cold/head cold/severe allergies (or whatever the hell I have that has my head filled with mucus and fuzz), I'm opting to rest & blog on the couch with my daughter naps beside me. Rest makes you get better quicker, no?

I'm sick. Yes, sick. Either that or my adult onset allergies have decided to take it to the next, more vicious level. My nose is so clogged that I can only breathe thru my mouth (super attractive, if I do say so myself) & yet it's running so fast that I'm blowing it every few minutes. (Can someone say SEX-AY!?!?!?!) I am seriously considering a run to the store for tissues with lotion in 'em, but for the time being, I'll settle for applying lotion to my nose by hand between every few wipes. (Total hotness. Betcha wish I was single, huh?) Yesterday & the day before my throat hurt, but it's fine now. My only symptom really is this nose issue. So, I guess I shouldn't complain... but complaining is just one of my talents, so complain I shall.

I'm also experiencing a massive guilt surge. I babysat my Godson yesterday (and also held his 6 week old sister and hugged their mom). It is quite possible that I at least infected my Godson if I am, in fact, sick. See, he's still young enough that he puts everything that he finds in his mouth, including an accidentally dropped (and used) tissue of mine. So, if this is more than allergies, then I've infected him. Crikey. What a bad Godmother I am.

On to brighter things... like my many addictions. I recently blogged about Trader Joe's Coffee Creamer (bought more today). I'm still loving it. My new addiction will also, no doubt, result in additional future Trader Joe's purchases. Today whilst browsing the oh-so-wonderful aisles at TJ's, I found some Chicken Cheese Tamales in their freezer section. Thought I'd give 'em a try just to see how they were. Granted, I can't taste too much today (thanks, Mucus!), but I ate 'em for a late lunch and they were ah-may-zing. Great texture, great taste (on the few bites that I could taste), not a bad price ($2.49 for 2 hand wrapped tamales). As far as microwave food goes, some of the best I've ever tasted. Guess I'm gonna have to taste more of their freezer fare!

And, what is an Ellen blog without something about my Loodle? A extra-boring Ellen blog, that's what! My Loo is, as always, quite amazing. I fear that she may be getting touch of what I've got going on as she's been a bit extra clingy today. Not that I mind the extra snuggles, mind you (and I've got a LOT of 'em today). Matter of fact, she wouldn't fall asleep for her nap without me holding her. She hasn't required (or allowed) being held to fall asleep for well over a year. But she needed it today. I truly do appreciate moments like that... moments when I'm reminded of a time when she was younger and needed me so much more. Moments when she wasn't this independent, sassy little girl who could do it "every day, all by myself" (a direct Loodle quote). While I love the fact that she grows and matures so much, there will always be a part of me that longs for the days when she needed me for everything. I'm happy that she's growing up, but it is so bittersweet. I'm meeting a new girl each day, but each day I'm also saying goodbye to the daughter I already knew...

Enough of that, or else I may cry soon. And crying with my current nasal condition would be a major suckfest.

Today the weather is indeed beautiful. If I felt better, I'd totally be outside weeding... but spending too much time leaned over the garden would probably cause a pressure headache. So, instead I think I'll just enjoy having the windows opened and perhaps work on the dishes later. For dinner tonight, I'm making turkey tacos... and once again Hubby will be home for dinner! Yay! It's a nice treat, since he would have otherwise been at a networking function. Instead, I get to make a dinner I've been craving for a while. If I were smart, I'd just reheat lasagne for dinner, but as delicious as it is, I'm kinda getting tired of it. Next time, I'll make 2 eight inch pans instead of one 9x13 pan. Then I can make one, freeze one. :) Ah well, each time I cook it's a learning experience... one that I truly enjoy!

(And now I have to ask... how many folks got "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake stuck in their head after my inital paragraph? 'Cause it's still stuck in mine...)