Thursday, June 3, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

Yeah, yeah... I know I blogged already today. Buuuuut, I am home alone & catching up on SYTYCD & thought I'd blog again. You're welcome. ~;o)

As I sit here drinking some tea, watching tv & having alone time, I am reminded of some of my favorite things and thought I'd share 'em with you....

~ Sleepytime Extra Tea - it is not only delicious, but it's oh-so-relaxing.

~ Alone time - Yes, I adore my daughter & cherish every moment with her... but there's something to be said about the time she spends with Daddy. It's good for them and good for me.

~ Pajama pants - If I could live in 'em & go out in public (without seeming like a nut job), I totally would. I'm currently wearing my Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer pajama pants, in case you were wondering (you know you were...).

~ The recipes that I know I can make AWESOMELY - Not to brag, but there are some recipes that I just knock outta the park. Okay... so maybe that's bragging a little. But there is just something so great about feeding people and having them love it. Some of my best recipes include (but are not limited to) - Turkey Tacos, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Lasagna, Spaghetti Sauce, Chili... maybe there are some other things I do alright, but those are all that I can think of right now.

~ New recipes - Who knows what will be the next addition to my "awesome" list. I love to try making new things. (send me any... I'll try 'em!)

~ Food - 'nuff said.

~ Family time - Since Hubby works so hard to support our family, we don't get much time together. So, when we're able to be all together, it's great.

~ Watching my daughter learn - What more do I need to say? The feeling that I get when watching her "lightbulb moments" is a bliss that I cannot put into words.

~ Dorky moments with my husband - Our mutual dorkiness is one of the reasons we fit so well together.

I am 1,000% certain that this list could be much longer, but my alone time is done. So, perhaps I'll continue this later. Perhaps I'll do a list of my least favorite things, too. We'll see what the future holds...

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I need your spaghetti sauce recipe. I am SO uncreative when it comes to spaghetti sauce! And oh, poop, I forgot I haven't been watching SYTYCD... it's usually my reason for living, but I've been busy every time it's been on so far! Thanks for reminding me to catch up on it! :)
