Thursday, March 25, 2010

This blog goes out to Amy, queen of the world.

Well... my fist blog is off to a wonderful start. When I SHOULD be cleaning, I hit "publish" on my blog and lose the whole dag-blasted thing. Crap. I'll never be as insightful as I was before. Ah well... here's the poor-man's version of my previously splendiferous entry:

Those of you who know me, know that I'm an obsessive sort of gal. This is not a fact that I'm proud of... but if you should chose to read this blog with any regularity, it will become apparent rather quickly. Thus, I'm just gonna put it right out there.

One of my more recent obsessions was with my friend Amy's blog. I found it rather fun to read as she's a very clever and witty lady. You should read it, too. Upon reading her entire blog history (again, I'm obsessive), I decided to do my own blog. And so, here we are.

Additionally, as I've finished Amy's blog (until she makes another entry... hint hint), I'm looking for my next obsession. Any volunteers???

(As I'm writing this, I'm increasingly bothered by the lost blog that I almost had published. This one is FAR more lame. Crap.)


And on to my ever-exciting life....

Today is a day-o-cleaning in this house. Spring cleaning, no. Out of absolute necessity, somewhat. Truly, today I will clean because I've ingested artificial energy in order to get my hiney in gear. Thank goodness for B-vitamins, caffeine, and 5-Hour Energy. Yep. I may be a housewife, but I'll never claim to be good at it. So, I look for 'fake' energy in order to motivate myself to do the things that most people do on a daily basis.

Since I lost all the tasty nuggets that I had in my lost post, I feel that I need to close with something great. And... since I'm drawing a blank, I'm gonna steal one of Amy's techniques and close with something that my daughter said/did. Something that made my mommy-heart simultaneously melt, burst with pride & swell with love all at the same time. Enjoy!

(I'll set the scene - Loodle and I are playing with her play jewelry on the floor... specifically her rings.)

Loodle: With dis ring, I vee wed. (places a ring on my pinky)
Me: (smiles so wide my face started to split)


  1. I'm so glad you've made a blog!! This is fun! :) And thanks for the shout out! I have some fun peoples on my little list to the right of my blog, but the funniest, by far, is Maybe If You Just Relax. Now go. OBSESS! :)


  3. Alright, Amy. I'm obsessing. And you're right, she rocks!
