Sunday, April 4, 2010

Waaaaah! Whiney Blog Alert!

Today was a... day. We got up & headed to Southcenter as a family (Hubster had a meeting & Loodle & I decided to shop). The day started out fine... I even drove. I never drive when Hubster is in the car. He didn't even give me the normal 'constructive criticism.'

Loodle was pretty good in Target. She chose a cute outfit to give the birthday girl for the party later in the day. Hubster met up with us and we went to the mall for food. I HIGHLY recommend ChickenNow.

We got home at about the time Loodle's attitude started to go south. Deep south. She got upset that we weren't headed to the birthday party right away. She cried a bit. I knew that the absence of nap would only make my day get better... and my headache get worse. Okay, okay, it wasn't a physical-pain headache... more like an oh-my-goodness-she's-gonna-drive-me-batty!

The birthday party was fun - there was a bouncy house & big bouncy slide. Loodle enjoyed them greatly... until somehow the thing started to deflate (I think it had to do with fans & a chair, I'm not certain). At the time The Great Deflation started to happen, so also began The Eternal Meltdown.

Elisa cried, and cried & cried some more. She's normally not so emotional - but today was a record. I honestly forgot all the different reasons she came up with to sob.

We were the first to leave the party. After the party, I still had to go to the store. The trip thru the market included a LOT of hugs. My daughter was finally ready to be consoled. It's hard to push & steer a cart while hugging a kid. Or, rather, while a kid clings to your arm like I cling to cheesecake.

As leaving the store, I was smart enough to WHACK myself in the jaw with the corner of a car door. I swear that I tasted metal the whole way home. I thought the pain was all gone, but as I lie in bed right now, I swear my jaw hurts.

Got home and worked on taxes with Hubster. We owe mucho. He's got a meeting with a tax guy this week - we'll see how it goes.

Plus sides of the day:

My oven works. Just had to put a new bulb in it (like I thought). Hubster was kind enough to test it out... by reheating pizza directly on the rack. So glad I scrubbed it.

Hubster fixed the extra vents in the attic. That means that my big strong man had to climb around in 2 different attics, ours & the neighbor attached to us.

We colored eggs tonight. Great family fun!

I'm pretty sure the house is ready for the Easter Bunny to come tonight. No, it's not "clean" - but he's not gonna trip on anything in the living room & Elisa's baskets are out. Hope she gets something good!

I am typing this in bed (plus) but am nodding off as I type. So, I will spell check & reread, but make no promises about how much sense this will make.

I almost fell asleep 2 times while "proof reading" this. Ugh.... I'l read tomorrow and possibly earase!


  1. I hope the Easter bunny was good to Loodles! We don't really "do" the Easter bunny here, but little M got plenty of treats anyway! So did Dylan, which is good, because he has no teef so I get his Snickers. :) mmm.

  2. I hate to be the blog police, but I am missing out on valuable Loodlisms here. NEW POST! NEW POST! NEW POST! NEW POST!

  3. Took long enough, but I FINALLY posted one today. Now I'm off to catch up on YOUR blog! :)
