Friday, April 23, 2010

Long overdue update ('cause I know you missed my musings so!)

It’s been forever since I blogged. I could say it’s because I’ve been so very busy doing “spring cleaning” type activities. I could also say that my exciting life has been FAR too exciting for things like blogging. Yes, I could say those things, but I’m not fond of lying. The plain and simple truth is that I’ve been lazy. Yep. Lazy. Go figure.

I have been spending a bit of time outside daily working on the patio/deck/garden. It’s getting closer and closer to being “summer ready” out there. Loodle is an AMAZING helper. She’s helped me plant several plants & is an excellent plant waterer. While saturating my plants, she tells me, “Momma, this guy really needs a drink!” or “I grow dem up!” It’s pretty adorable. She’s also developed quite the fascination with worms, which is a pretty big deal for her. Until recently, she’s been terrified of all bugs/crawly/slimy things. However, I’m sure that I’ve now got quite the earthworm graveyard out in my garden from the poor little guys being sliced in half by my daughter’s eager shovel. I’m going to have to start to keep a really sharp eye out for worms inside my house, as she wants all the worms to come inside and live with us. I’ve taken to advising her that they like the dirt & need to stay there to grow big & strong. She seems to be buying it.

I’m also planning my daughter’s THIRD BIRTHDAY PARTY. Yes, she’ll be three. I can’t even fathom where the time has gone. This year we’re going ‘simple’ and doing it here at home. And by ‘simple,’ I mean 2 different parties, one for family & one for friends/family with kids. Sure wish I had a bigger place! Ah well, it will be fun & Loodle will love the attention. She is VERY well aware that her birthday is coming up and asks me multiple times a day for something new for her birthday. Yesterday it was “Tinkerbell jammies” (I got ‘em). Before that (and still at least once daily), it was a Pillow Pet (it’s on the way). She’s sure not spoiled…

She’s also become even MORE lovey-dovey. I truly didn’t think it possible, but apparently it is. Her most recent heart-melter – she will gently touch my cheeks with her sweet little hands, stare sweetly into my eyes & then give me a kiss. It’s VERY hard not to cry when she does this. She’s also started to tell me that she’s going to marry me. I tell her that she doesn’t have to marry Mommy, ‘cause I’ll always be hers. Gosh, I sure love this girl!

In other amazing news, I’m a Godmother again! My dear friends had a beautiful baby girl recently. Mommy & daughter are doing wonderfully and daughter has already stolen the hearts of all the people she’s met. Holding her is almost like holding an uber-cute pocket of air… at least in comparison to my nearly-three-year-old daughter. We are so happy for their family & cannot wait to get to know our new Goddaughter better!

In housecleaning news, I’m always behind. In a few loads of laundry, I’ll be caught up today… until we change clothes again. I really wish we were rich enough for a maid.

Well, as it’s been so long since I was on here, I have to go ‘stalk’ my favorite blogs now. I hope to blog sooner next time…

1 comment:

  1. So glad you updated!! You've been more productive than I have... it's been too windy to take Dylan out, even though the weather's not bad, so we've been stuck inside. I can't believe she'll be 3!! That means MINE will be 3 soon too!! I liked your idea about the potty stickers, but I just don't think Michael's "ready" for it yet. He's a super smart guy, but he isn't much of a focuser... or a not-tear-things-up'er. So I'm afraid it'll just be a big ol' mess o' stickers around my house and the purpose will be defeated. *sigh*... as long as I'm not changing diapers at his college, I guess I can consider it a victory...
